• To address the challenges we face, we need solutions that have broad support across party lines. By working together, we can create lasting change that benefits everyone. My focus will be on:

    • Encouraging open dialogue between parties to find common ground

    • Prioritizing policies that have widespread public support

    • Creating bipartisan committees to tackle major issues

    • Promoting transparency and accountability in the legislative process

    • Encouraging compromise and collaboration to pass effective legislation

    • Fostering a political culture that values unity over division

    • Implementing regular bipartisan town halls to hear directly from constituents

    • Supporting initiatives that demonstrate successful bipartisan cooperation

    • Leveraging data and evidence to drive policy decisions, ensuring they are practical and beneficial for all

  • Public safety is a fundamental right and requires a renewed focus to ensure all communities feel secure. My commitment to public safety includes:

    • Increasing funding for law enforcement training and development

    • Implementing community policing strategies to build trust between police and communities

    • Enhancing mental health support services to prevent crime and support rehabilitation

    • Strengthening partnerships between law enforcement and community organizations

    • Promoting the use of technology to improve response times and crime prevention

    • Ensuring transparency and accountability within law enforcement agencies

    • Supporting initiatives to reduce recidivism and help former offenders reintegrate into society

    • Advocating for stricter penalties for violent crimes and repeat offenders

    • Improving emergency response infrastructure and preparedness

    • Focusing on preventative measures, such as youth programs and community outreach, to reduce crime

  • To secure a prosperous future, we must foster an environment that encourages growth and innovation. My strategy includes:

    • Investing in education and workforce development to prepare for the jobs of tomorrow

    • Supporting research and development through grants and incentives

    • Encouraging entrepreneurship and small business growth with streamlined regulations

    • Building partnerships between academia, industry, and government to drive innovation

    • Creating innovation hubs and incubators to nurture new ideas and startups

    • Reforming patent laws to protect inventors while encouraging competition

    • Enhancing infrastructure to support economic growth, such as transportation and energy systems

    • Advocating for policies that support fair trade and open markets to boost our economy

  • We have heard a lot of talk about providing a healthy system for Oregon but we have been let down by failure after failure. We have seen failures in technology with the roll out of the Affordable Health Care act and with then a lack of vision and implementation from the Oregon Health Authority to provide basic services.  Nearly half of our children are enrolled in Medicaid yet we have not been able to improve overall care.  To create a better health care system for ALL Oregonians my focus includes:

    • Hold our state Health Authority accountable with clear goals and deliverables. We must put clear plans and milestones in place that allows all Oregonians to see and assess the progress made with improving system.

    • Focus on child wellness, providing regular medical and dental checkups for children.

    • Invest in drug abuse prevention and education to reach our children at an early age.

    • Reform our social safety net programs, such as foster care, to deliver top-notch services in a cost-effective manner.

    • Ensure that our senior community has access to affordable health care and is able to navigate and understand Medicaid, Medicare, and Insurance options.

  • Our current system has let our children down and we need to provide better opportunities for our children to succeed.  We need to ensure that our young people are prepared for the challenges ahead. To get this done my focus will be on:

    • Improving support of our teachers

      • Give the teachers more control of budgets for their classrooms

    • Smaller Class Sizes

      • Allowing our teachers to focus on the student

    • Quality of our teachers

      • Expanding teachers’ opportunities for professional development

    • Improving overall education standards

      • Put quality of education first and reallocate our budget to bring our school year back to 180 days

    • Enhance our Career and Technical Education

      • Partner with industry to bring experience into the classroom

      • Reduce the certification barriers to allow technical professionals to assist in the classroom

      • Create school and industry partnerships to augment the curriculum and ensure ensure students at graduation are ready with CTE/STEM experiences and training

    • Improve our ability to fund our schools by solving our budget crisis

  • One of the greatest responsibilities is to act wisely with the budget.  A manager of mine told us a story years ago:

    “Anyone can do more with more, others can do less with less, your challenge is to be able to focus and do more with less” – VP Applied Materials

    As your next state representative, I am committed to live by that quote.  We must find ways to stretch our budget and eliminate waste.  To help drive our budget I will:

    • Make each decision with fiscal responsibility

      • No wasted spending for “special projects”

      • Treat the finances of the state as we would in our own households

    • Balance the budget… no deficit spending

      • Always ask the question “How are we going to pay for this?”

      • No increase of taxes or “fees” to fill in the budget shortfall

  • To become the Oregon we all want, a thriving economy is essential.  We need to ensure that our state is a place where small business can grow and larger businesses want to operate.  We need a government that supports and protects our workers, and encourages business growth.  To make this growth a reality, my focus is to:

    • Create laws that drive our economy and challenge those that take jobs away from Oregon

    • Support small business with less regulation and ensure a level tax and regulatory playing field

    • Limit taxation to keep money in the hands of those who worked so hard to earn it

    • Keep government small to not restrict the growth of the economy